Seasonal Allergies


When earths seasonal blooms, or indoor dust cause you to feel the pain of ‘allergies,’ stuffy nose, headache, red and itchy eyes

Chinese Medicine views allergies as a weakened defense system of the body. It might be related to digestion as well, or to lack of sleep and stress. Your acupuncturist can get you on track when allergies get the best of you, and overall help prevent or eliminate flare ups over time as your systems become strengthened with regular treatments and lifestyle changes.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are natural and effective solutions, proven to work better than medications and to have no harmful side effects as in no dry mouth or rapid heart rate like the leading allergy medications cause

Everyone is on a spectrum as far as how many allergens they can tolerate. Some of us sneeze year round in response to dust, stress or a combo. Others maybe only in certain seasons of high pollen count. In Chinese Medicine this isn’t so much dependent on each person and unchangeable amongst individuals, it has to do with the immune system. Maybe not the immune system in a typical scientific sense but in the sense that immune system is the body’s shield or screen more aptly named screen, as illustrated in the herbal formula called Jade Wind Screen.

It is thought that the wind carries the allergens, as it could be confirmed by science that wind moves pollen as gust kick up sand and wind outdoors as well as in. Fixing up, so to speak, your immune system will help you to be more resistant, even if you are not entirely miserable every year this can help, but if you are miserable every year please don’t overlook it. It works better than Zyrtec and Claritin, and doesn’t cause dry mouth and rapid heart rate.



